Kanopy offers access to more than 30,000 documentaries, movies, and educational videos from thousands of producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, Great Courses, Kino Lorber and more.
Films on Demand is a streaming video platform, which features videos on a variety of subjects.
Is a comprehensive streaming media collection available to libraries. It delivers more than 67,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
American History in Video provides the largest and richest collection of video available online for the study of American history.
Throughout modern history, cameras have recorded public events, wars, cultural phenomena, and government programs. This collection includes archival and historical films from multiple sources.
Asian Film Online offers a view of Asian culture as seen through the lens of the independent Asian filmmaker.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video is a collection of documentaries, training videos, and interviews illustrating the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals serving on the front lines of justice and public safety.
Current Affairs in Video is a unique streaming video resource featuring a collection of issue-based documentaries from around the world.
Environmental Studies in Video contains 500 hours of film covering all realms of environmental studies, particularly ethics, policy, economics, law, sociology, planning, and environmental science.
Nursing Assistant Education in Video gives students and faculty access to Medcom-Trainex's highly-focused training program on the fundamentals of nursing assistance.
Nursing Education in Video is a unique online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers.
The titles in this collection will help prepare students interested in vocational trades, including construction, cosmetology, communication, agriculture, applied engineering, and more.
Prepare your counseling students to make a difference with the best, most up-to-date applied training and research materials available. Materials are curated and developed to meet the educational and research needs of a variety of counseling curricula.
Today's Science bridges the gap between science taught in class and real-world discoveries - giving in-depth explanations of important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology.
Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck are two physical therapists with decades of experience and an easy manner presenting physical therapy skills and techniques. View these videos to learn skills in therapy and assessment and evaluation of assistive devices. Click on the link below the sample videos to see the full video library.
Nursing Education in Video is a unique online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. Don't be fooled by the name of this product--you will find many of these videos helpful for physical therapy courses as well! Instructional videos present basic clinical skills, information about anatomy, and different diseases and conditions. Click on the picture below to be brought to the Nursing Education in Video collection:
Here are a few examples of the titles you will find in Nursing Education in Video. Click on the picture to be brought to the video:
The ICC Library provides access to streaming videos via online subscription database collections.
A majority of ICC Library streaming videos can be found by searching the library catalog. Use the blue box on the ICC Library website or the search bar below. Or directly access the databases using the links provided in this guide or from the streaming media subject menu.
To find the streaming media collection from the ICC Library website visit https://icc.edu/library/ and see the screenshot below.
Films on Demand is a cloud-based digital video delivery service allows users to view streaming videos from top producers anytime, anywhere.
You'll find outstanding content—much of it exclusive—from Films for the Humanities & Sciences, ABC News, NBC News, BBC, National Geographic, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Bill Moyers, Shopware, The Open University, A&E, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Fred Friendly Seminars, Cambridge Educational, and many more. Programs from more than 800 producers are included in these comprehensive subscriptions—more than you'll find anywhere else.