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Legal Studies

This Libguide is for students in the Criminal Justice, Paralegal and Crime Scene Technology Programs.

Off Campus Access to Databases

To use ICC Library Databases off campus, please sign-in using your ICC username and password.

ICC usernames are the first part of your ICC email address, without the part.

Passwords are ICC (all capital letters) and the last five digitals of your social security number. 

If you do not know your login and password, please contact the Library's Reference Desk at 309-694-5355 and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Welcome to Criminal Justice Resources from the Illinois Central College Library

Chicago Criminal Justice Blog

This blog is published by Law Offices of David L. Freidberg, Chicago IL.

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Reference Staff at Our Campuses


East Peoria Campus

 Bryan Clark 


 Devon Blumenshine


 Kaitlyn Hartman


 Jillian Rosenberger


 Tig Trowbridge


Banwart Library; Peoria Campus

 Jeri Murphy


 Daniel Fuertges


 Haguer Kandil  309-690-6960

 Jona Byrne  309-690-6963