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ICC 110 -- College Success

college success, study skills, success strategies, time, money and stress management, critical thinking skills, academic services

ICC doesn't have it?

Consider requesting items not currently available at ICC through the following services:

Search Tips

1. Use AND to combine terms

ex: College AND Success

2. Use OR to search related

terms, OR means more

ex: College OR University 

3. Use NOT to eliminate a term 

ex:  College NOT University 


AND, OR and NOT are called Boolean Operators.  These are the words you should use to combine your keyword search to get the best results for your topic.

ICC Databases

ICC has a variety of databases that can be sorted by subject.  To access the databases please click on the "ICC Library A-Z Database List" above.

Some terms to try: 

Study Skills
Time Management

Reference LibGuides

The Libguides below are separate from this guide.  Please click on a link below to delve deeper into the topic of research.