Guest cards will only be issued if a guest specifically requests the privilege to check out library materials. To receive a guest card, the guest must present a photo ID and provide a phone number where they can be reached. Guest cards are only available to adult residents of Illinois Community College District 514. Guests who are ineligible for a guest card are still welcome to use the library but will be unable to check items out.
Guest users must provide a valid, up-to-date photo ID to use the guest computers and to apply for a guest library card.
Guests may use computers for one hour each day in one sitting. More time may be allowed at the discretion of library staff. If asked by Library Staff to leave due to student usage, the guest may come back and use their remaining time when there is an open computer.
Guest access to computers may be restricted at the discretion of the staff based on student usage.
Covered beverages and small snacks are permitted in the Library at the discretion of library staff.