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About the Library

The ICC Library provides a people-centered welcoming environment that offers access to outstanding resources and knowledgeable staff to meet the evolving technological and informational needs of the college community.

Guest Cards

Guest cards will only be issued if a guest specifically requests the privilege to check out library materials. In order to receive a guest card, the guest must present a photo ID and provide a phone number where they can be reached. Guest cards are only issued to adult residents of Illinois Community College District 514. Guests who are ineligible for a guest card are still welcome to use the library but will be unable to check items out. 


Photo ID Required

Guest users must provide a valid, up-to-date photo ID.


Guests may use computers for one hour each day in one sitting. More time may be allowed at the discretion of library staff. If asked by Library Staff to leave due to student usage, the guest may come back and use their remaining time when there is an open computer.

Guest access to computers may be restricted at the discretion of the staff based on student usage.

  • Only the individual who has signed in may use the computer. 
  • Groups of two or more are not permitted. 
  • Viewing online pornography and other offensive material will result in loss of privileges. 
  • Guests may only listen to audio with headphones. Guests must provide their own headphones. Sound should not be audible to others. 
  • Unnecessary loitering or disruptive behavior may be cause for loss of privileges. 

Behavior Guidelines

  • Cell phones must be used outside of the library. Be respectful to others by setting your phone on vibrate. 
  • Beverages must have lids. No food is allowed. 
  • Please be courteous to library users and staff by cleaning up after yourself. 
  • Individuals neglecting personal hygiene or having possessions that distract others may be asked to leave. 

Food and Drink Standards

Covered beverages are permitted in the Library and Academic Support Center. Food consumption is not permitted.