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Nursing Program Resources

Medical Dictionaries

What does pachycephaly* mean? Have you ever come across medical terms in articles or assignments that you don't understand?  Instead of doing a Google search or relying on Wikipedia, try using one of our medical dictionaries! The entries in these dictionaries are authoratative and easy to read. You can find these available online via the library website:

*By the way, according to Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, pachycephaly is an abnormal thickness of the skull.

Pharmacology Websites


Search for drug information on the authoritative government website.

Pharmacology Corner

Have lessons emailed to you and learn one new thing about pharmacology each week with one short video lesson.

Interactive Clinical Pharmacology

Learn interactively with this website from "down under."


Nursing Reference Center

Nursing Reference Center

This is one of the most important database tools available to health career students. It is an electronic bookshelf created for easy access to the information needed on a daily basis by health professionals. 

Drug Guide Books

Drug Guides

Need to find information about a specific drug? What is the drug used to treat, what are proper dosages, and what are possible side effects or interactions with other drugs? All of this information can be found in drug guides.

Consumer Drug Guides:

Check out standards, webinars and news for medication administration:

Institute for Safe Medication Practices

FDA Medication Guides