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EMS and EMT Library Resources

It's critical to be critical!

You can find many sources on the internet, but sometimes it can be difficult to decide if a site has quality information, or junk information. One way to critically review a website is to use the CRAP Test:

C: Currency: How recently was the website updated or published? Does the site even list any dates?

R: Reliability: Is the content factually-based or based on opinion? Does the site list references and quote sources?

A: Authority: Is an author listed for the site? Is the author credentialed (e.g. RN, MD, etc.)? Are there advertisements on the page? If so, are the ads related to the content of the information on the site (e.g. a critical review of over the counter pain medication with ads for Advil next to it might be suspicious).

P: Purpose or Point of View: Does the site appear to be biased? Is the site trying to sell you something?

If you are unable to answer these questions for a web site, then you should reconsider using it as a source for course assignments and research papers.

MedlinePlus Video Tutorial

Click on the image below to watch a video tutorial created by the National Library of Medicine to help you better understand how to evaluate health-related information found on the internet


FOAM Free Open Access Medical Education

Recommended Website Links

It can be difficult to find websites that have reliable information. Follow the CRAP rules to find a reliable website. Use the Google site search: "site:gov your search terms" or "site:edu your search terms" to find government and educational websites.

Here are some sites recommended by EMS faculty and ICC librarians: 


Professional websites, journals, and organizations 

Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) website

EMS World (website & journal)

Illinois EMT Association

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)


Wilderness & Environmental Medicine (journal)

Disaster Information and Agencies 

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Disaster Zone - Emergency Management Blog

Emergency and Disaster Information Service - Disaster and Emergency AlertMap

Healthcare News and Standards

Biosecurity, Biopreparedness, & Emerging Infectious Diseases

Practical Clinical Skills

Government Organizations 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Statistical sources

Illinois EMS Data Reporting Center

WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)


Below you will also find a useful guide (in PDF format) to finding quality health information on the internet. The guide discusses search strategies, the best types of websites to utlize, and includes a list of recommended websites.


Approved EMS Lessons (Peoria Area EMS)

Preformed Lecture Series from the Peoria Area EMS website can help you prepare for class or review prior to licensing exams. Everything you need is in the lecture packet.

Subjects covered:


Bleeding & shock

Bloodborne and airborne pathgens

Cardiovascular emergencies

Pediatric respiratory emergencies

Hazardous materials

Diabetic emergencies

And many more!