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Occupational Therapy Assistant Library Resources

Use these resources to find evidence-based research on a variety of Occupational Therapy topics.

Mobile Medical Applications

Nurses and other medical professionals are increasingly using mobile medical applications--programs that can be accessed easily on smartphones and tablets--to quickly find information in the treatment setting. Medical dictionaries, dosage calculators, and even evidence-based treatment plans can all be found in portable formats.

OTs with Apps and Technology

Mobile App Reviews

Medical Apps available from ICC Library

CINAHL and Nursing Reference Center

EBSCO, which is the provider for CINAHL and Nursing Reference Center, has apps available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows smartphones.

EBSCO mobile application features include:

  • Choose which databases to search
  • Limit results to full text or peer reviewed
  • Sort by relevance or date
  • Retrieve full text results in HTML and/or PDF formats
  • Save results for offline access at a later date
  • Email results to self or others
  • Retrieve their most recent 25 search results
  • Browse a “cover flow” display of search results

The EBSCO Host application allows you to search CINAHL, a comprehensive database with articles from respected nursing journals

The Nursing Reference Center app gives you access to evidence-based patient care sheets, drug guides, and information about thousands of medicals conditions.


How to get EBSCO smartphone applications:

To download the EBSCOhost app, access the EBSCO product you are interested in via a computer. Click the link at the bottom of any EBSCOhost page to email yourself the download instructions, access key and a link to the app store. The authorization codes are good for 9 months, at which point the user would need to reauthorize their phone.

Medical Apps available outside of ICC

The links listed below are for apps that are not purchased by the library, but that are free or low-cost and are trusted medical resources. Click on the link to be brought to a site where you can purchase/download these apps. Please note that this list is provided as a convenience to students. ICC Library does not endorse any specific mobile device, and cannot provide technical assistance with downloading or using apps.



Epocrates is a free app with a useful drug guide, calculators, and other useful features. This is a often used and trusted resources for nurses and other health professionals.


This free app gives you access to complicated medical formulas, scores, scales and classifications

Find a complete list of recommended iPhone apps for nurses and nursing students, click here




This is a free app version of the respected Medscape website. This app has a drug guide, information about diseases and diagnoses, and a collection of images and videos.

Click here to find more recommended medical apps for Android devices


Additional apps


This application includes medical calculators, lab and diagnostic info, medical dictionaries, algorithms, health alerts and the latest guidelines for critical-care decision making.