To use ICC Library Databases off campus, please sign-in using your ICC username and password.
ICC usernames are the first part of your ICC email address, without the part.
Passwords are ICC (all capital letters) and the last five digitals of your social security number.
If you do not know your login and password, please contact the Library's Reference Desk at 309-694-5355 and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Find all ICC Library Databases at the A-Z List.
Consider requesting items not currently available at ICC through the following services:
Abstracts are not articles. You should never site an abstract. Abstracts are a summary of the article not the article itself. You need to click on the "full text" link to access the article. This full text may be html and/or pdf. If you have questions about accessing articles contact a librarian.
Electronic versions of journal articles can be found within databases. These databases allow you to perform searches by subject terms, author, title, date of publication and other terms. Using these databases also ensure that you find scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that your instructors want you to use.
Here are some article databases that you may find useful:
Multi-discipline databases cover a wide variety of materials from different academic disciplines. These library databases have information for just about every topic. For a more in-depth database on your area of study see the A-Z Database List or ask a librarian.
Having a difficult time finding an article? Here are a few tips:
Our librarians are happy to help if you cannot find what you are looking for.
The ICC Library also subscribes to the print (paper) version of OT Practice. These issues can be found in the Peoria Campus Library. Here is a link to the catalog record to view our holdings:
You can search for OT Practice articles in CINAHL. CINAHL does not have the full text available, but you can use the database to search for articles and then locate the full-text articles in our print collection.
When you are in CINAHL type "OT Practice" into the Publication box under "Limit your Results" (scroll down below the search box). Here is a link to a search page exclusively searching for OT Practice. Put in your search terms and press search.
To find articles in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) search in Academic One File. Use the Advanced Search page and use the limiter box at the bottom of the advanced search page to choose "AJOT" as a limiter.
Review the following case studies. Note the ways the authors refer to the patients, how research is cited, and how connections are made between research, diagnosis and treatment.